The webmaster wishes you welcome


Mostly known as NEATRO, i decided to open a personal website where i can put all those fun little nicknacks i make and like.

I got a big fascination in 1995-2005 websites, which is what the style of this place is based on.

Meanwhile i've been developing several addons for a game known as "Garry's mod".

The first of which is Voxyllabus, a multifunctional voxel engine written purely in Lua.

The next two are Shapez and Shatter2, dynamic physics shapes with correct colliders (Shapez) and similar entities with full dynamic destruction capabilities (Shatter2). These are not yet released

A silly addon i made which is currently on the workship is "Literally the World" found here, where the entire world can be seen as a prop, also showing everything in the world itself... i didn't expect that addon to even become popular, funnily enough.

Other than that...

My birthday is the 10th of August, 1999

Born in the Netherlands, i know NL-DE-EN!

- your frikandelen liefhebber, Neatro



Powder game
lua runtime
Always level*
*Only works on mobile devices