Neatro's Satellite Lua Documentation

This is a collection of additional builtin libraries that used to be included in an older project of mine, now here!

Copyright (c) 2024 Neatro
redistribution is not permitted.

Jump to: Builtins Additional Vectors Angles Matrices Colors

For additional lua help: Lua 5.3 Reference Manual


Additional math

math.randomf( min, max ) number Generate a random floating point number between 0 and 1. math.interpolate( startpoint, endpoint, fraction ) any Interpolates startpoint and endpoint, based on fraction. fraction can also be below 0 or above 1 to extrapolate. math.clamp( value, min, max ) number Clamps value between min and max.

Additional table

table.count( table ) number Counts all values in a table, including string keys. this function is slow than using #, but will count every key. table.empty( table ) Remove all values from a table.


hook.Add( event, index, callback ) Adds a callback to an event using index, this hook is triggerable by running hook.Run or hook.RunAll.

Additional functions


PrintTable( tbl ) Print a table recursively, colorfully. Mainly used for debugging table data. PrintTableFast( tbl ) Print a table recursively, without added color. Faster than PrintTable. Mainly used for debugging table data.



Vector( x, y, z ) Vector XYZ spatial Vector object.


Vector:GetNormalized() Vector Returns a new vector with magnitude of 1 of the orignal vector. Vector:GetLength() number Calculate magnitude of Vector. Vector:GetLength2() number Calculate magnitude of Vector squared. This function is generally faster as it doesn't do a square root. Vector:GetLength2D() number Calculate magnitude of Vector, only using it's x and y components. Vector:GetLength2D2() number Calculate magnitude of Vector squared, only using it's x and y components. This function is generally faster as it doesn't do a square root. Vector:Round() Vector Returns a new vector with it's components rounded to closest integer. Vector:Floor() Vector Returns a new vector with it's components rounded down. Vector:Ceil() Vector Returns a new vector with it's components rounded up. Vector:Cross( vector ) Vector Returns a new vector which is a cross product of itself with the argument vector Vector:GetDistance( vector ) number Returns number which is the distance of itself with the argument vector Vector:GetDistance2( vector ) number Returns number which is the distance of itself squared with the argument vector. This function is generally faster as it doesn't do a square root. Vector:Dot( vector ) number Returns number which is the dot product of itself with the argument vector Vector:RotateAroundAxis( vector, degrees, radians ) Vector Returns a new vector which rotated around the argumentative vector by degrees or radians. (second argument can be nil for radians!) Vector:Clone() Vector Returns a new vector of itself, this is a unique object. Vector:GetColor() Color Returns the vector turned into an RGBA Color object. Vector:GetAngle() Angle Calculate Euler angles from Vector. Vector:Rotate( angle ) Vector Returns a new vector rotated by the argument Euler Angles.



Angle( pitch, yaw, roll ) Angle PYR Euler Angle object.


Angle:ToVector() Vector Returns a new vector pointing in the direction of the Euler angle. This ignores the roll component.



Matrix( ... ) Matrix 4x4 Matrix object. Creates an identity matrix when no arguments are given.


Matrix:Translate( Vector ) Modifies the matrix itself. Translates the matrix by the given vector. Matrix:Scale( Vector ) Modifies the matrix itself. Scales the matrix by the given vector. Matrix:Rotate( Angle ) Modifies the matrix itself. Rotates the matrix by the given Euler angle. Matrix:GetTranslation() Vector Translation of the matrix Matrix:GetScale() Vector Scale of the matrix Matrix:GetRotation() Angle Rotation of the matrix Matrix:SetTranslation( Vector ) Modifies the matrix itself. Sets the translation of the matrix by the given vector. Matrix:SetScaling( Vector ) Modifies the matrix itself. Sets the scale of the matrix by the given vector. Matrix:SetRotation( Angle ) Modifies the matrix itself. Sets the rotation of the matrix by the given Euler angle. Matrix:GetColumnVector( column ) Vector Gets the first three fields of the argument column ( 1, 2, 3 or 4 ) of the matrix as a Vector. Matrix:SetColumnVector( column, Vector ) Vector Sets the first three fields of the argument column ( 1, 2, 3 or 4 ) of the matrix using the argument Vector. Matrix:Apply( Matrix2 ) Modifies the matrix itself. Applies the values of Matrix2 to the Matrix, copying it.


matrix.Identity( ... ) Matrix Creates a new matrix based on the arguments, defaults to an identity matrix. matrix.FromVector( Vector ) Matrix Creates a new matrix based on the vector as translation of the identiy matrix. matrix.FromScale( Vector ) Matrix Creates a new matrix based on the vector as scale of the identiy matrix. matrix.FromAngle( Angle ) Matrix Creates a new matrix based on the Euler angle as rotation of the identiy matrix.



Color( r, g, b, a ) Color RGBA color object, the alpha argument is optional and defaults to 255. Supports floats and values beyond 0 and 255 too, but is not advised.